
 Radosław Gawlik (Prezes) rgawlik@eko.wroc.pl

Born in 1957in Wroclaw, married, three children, vegetarian.

He graduated in 1981 at the Faculty of Operations and Economics of the Transport in the Academy of Transport and Communications in Zilina, Slovakia. In the 80s he taught mathematics in Wroclaw schools. Because of activities in the opposition movement his contract wasn’t renewed. Periodically, he worked as an altitude worker. In 1986-89 he participated in the movement “Freedom and Peace”. He organized ecological protests including the case of “Siechnice”, nuclear power plant in Żarnowiec and the landfill of radioactive waste in Międzyrzecze.

In 1987-89 he worked in the Regional Executive Committee of NSZZ „Solidarność” of Lower Silesia. He published in the underground press. He participated in the “round table” in the team for the ecology. In a historic election, on 4th of June 1989, he was elected as a Member of Parliament. He sat in the Parliament for 12 year. He participated in the Civic Democratic Action Movement, later transformed into a party – Democratic Union, and later to the Freedom Union. With a group of friends he founded the environmentalists Ecological Forum UW (FE UW) and he presided it over seven years. At that time, the FE UW initiated and led to the adoption many important laws, as the principle of sustainable development or the law on animal protection.

From XI 1997 to VI 2000 he was a secretary of state in the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry. As the only member of the government in coalition with the AWS, he voted against tightening anti-abortion law. He was against the organization of the Winter Olympics in the Tatra Mountains.

He was a member of the Freedom Union from its beginning until April 2002, when he returned to activities in the environmental movement. He was a leader of the Union of Associations of Polish Green Network. He was also one of the founders of the political representation – the Greens in 2004 www.zieloni2004.pl.

He still remains active in the movement of non-governmental organizations. Currently he is a president of the Ecological Association EKO-UNIA www.eko-unia.org.pl, under which he carries out projects in the area of ecology, sustainable rural development, international cooperation and the promotion of green policies. Since 2004 he is a representative of environmental organizations in the Monitoring Committees of Agricultural Sectoral Operational Program and the Rural Development Program, and since 2007 in the Operational Program of Infrastructure and Environment 2007-13.

Mariola Miklaszewska m.z.miklaszewska@gmail.com

She graduated at the University of Economics in Wrocław. She supervises the finances of the Ecological Association EKO-UNIA.

She works in many projects carried out by the EKO-UNIA:

  • five editions of the project “Energy for climate – the support of initiatives and local authorities in south-western Poland”
  • “Energy for the Climate 2015 – how to live without the opencast mine?”
  • “To reduce the role of coal in Europe”
  • “Campaign for clean air in Lower Silesia”
  • “CEE partnership on grassroot empowerment: towards an active civil society through learning and practicing.”

 Jacek Rogoliński (Wiceprezes) rogolinski@io.gliwice.pl

Co-founder (along with Joanna Rzeszowska) of the Ecological Association EKO-UNIA and co-organizer of the School of Young Ecologists. He graduated in biochemistry at the University of Wroclaw.

Doctor of medical sciences in the field of biology. He worked at the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy PAN of Ludwik Hirszfeld in Wroclaw. Actually he works in the Oncology Centre – Institute of Maria Sklodowska-Curie in Gliwice (Research Center of Translational and Molecular Biology of Cancer).

A member of the Civic Democratic Action Movement (now defunct), later transformed into a party – Democratic Union, and later to the Freedom Union. Member of the Board of the National Ecological Forum UW. Member of several associations, in most of them he is a co-founder and a board member (like Association for the Support of Cancer Research, Aid Society of St. Albert, Civic Initiative of Gliwice, Civic Initiative of Ziębice, Society for the Blind in Laski, and others). 

 Dominika Sokulska (Członek Zarządu) dsokulska@gmail.com

She graduated at the University of Life Sciences (formerly Agricultural University) in Wroclaw obtaining the title of PhD in agricultural sciences. She specialize in the meadow and green areas typology. She has participated in numerous research projects.

She is the author and co-author of several scientific publications, expert opinions and studies. She worked as a university teacher and a banker. She co-organized a number of workshops, scientific and business conferences (including international).

She designs green areas and makes inventories of natural areas (she is a botanical expert for the agri-environment programs, number 1842/2008 in the register of MARD). As a Member of the Board of the Ecological Association EKO-UNIA she promotes environmental education. She works for the sustainable development of rural areas. She is also an editor of a technical journal.

Dariusz Białek (Członek Zarządu) biuro@ekojarmarki.pl

Born in Wroclaw in 1960. Married, three children.

He studied at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Wroclaw.

He got a diploma in management for third sector from The John Hopkins University – Institute for Policy Studies. He passed a two-year postgraduate program of environmental management within the Polish-Norwegian Cleaner Production Program and in the late nineties he led international projects (Leonardo da Vinci) with Germany and the Czech Republic. For many years he was a coordinator of the Zachodniopolskie Centre for Cleaner Production, under which the School of Cleaner Production was implemented for a total of dozens of enterprises and institutions from the whole Poland. Currently he runs the company Ekojarmarki.pl which supports organizers of outdoor ecological events across the country.

Audit committee

Joanna Rzeszowska Wolny

Cezary Grochowski

Janusz Szymański ( złożył rezygnację z funkcji)

Project coordinator

Radek Gawlik, Hanna Schudy


Witold Miklaszewski, Katarzyna Kubiczek, Radek Lesisz, Krzysztof Smolnicki, Urszula Bugajewska, Andrzej Mazik, Anna Dziadek, Sylwester Kraśnicki

Wpis dostępny również w języku: Polish