The last months have seen the return of the long-standing dispute between the supporters of intervention into the natural processes and human management in the Białowieża Forest, and the advocates of extending its protection, arguing that it is a unique forest and an invaluable treasure of nature. We demand maintaining the current restrictions on forest management, and hence we are a party in this dispute. Below, we summarise the most important conflict issues, debunk myths and correct the half-truths which regularly appear in some media.
Who should we believe in this dispute?
We encourage you to restrict your trust when it comes to the Forest, as the Internet is full of home-grown experts and naive people repeating the lies they have heard. So, always check the credentials of people speaking about the Forest (ours too). Listen to the scientists who can support their claims with scientific evidence and do not have any interests other than to protect the Forest – we neither sell timber nor profit from tourism.
About the