Radosław Gawlik (Prezes) rgawlik@eko.wroc.pl
Born in 1957in Wroclaw, married, three children, vegetarian.
He graduated in 1981 at the Faculty of Operations and Economics of the Transport in the Academy of Transport and Communications in Zilina, Slovakia. In the 80s he taught mathematics in Wroclaw schools. Because of activities in the opposition movement his contract wasn’t renewed. Periodically, he worked as an altitude worker. In 1986-89 he participated in the movement “Freedom and Peace”. He organized ecological protests including the case of “Siechnice”, nuclear power plant in Żarnowiec and the landfill of radioactive waste in Międzyrzecze.
In 1987-89 he worked in the Regional Executive Committee of NSZZ „Solidarność” of Lower Silesia. He published in the underground press. He participated in the “round table” in the team for the ecology. In a historic election, on 4th of June 1989, he was elected as a Member of Parliament. He sat in the Parliament for 12 year. He participated in the Civic Democratic Action Movement, later transformed into a party – Democratic Union, and later to the Freedom Union. With a group of friends he founded the environmentalists Ecological Forum UW (FE UW) and he presided it over seven years. At that time, the FE UW initiated and led to the adoption many important laws, as the principle of sustainable development or the law on animal protection.
From XI 1997 to VI 2000 he was a secretary of state in the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry. As the only member of the government in coalition with the AWS, he voted against tightening anti-abortion law. He was against the organization of the Winter Olympics in the Tatra Mountains.
He was a member of the Freedom Union from its beginning until April 2002, when he returned to activities in the environmental movement. He was a leader of the Union of Associations of Polish Green Network. He was also one of the founders of the political representation – the Greens in 2004 www.zieloni2004.pl.
He still remains active in the movement of non-governmental organizations. Currently he is a president of the Ecological Association EKO-UNIA www.eko-unia.org.pl, under which he carries out projects in the area of ecology, sustainable rural development, international cooperation and the promotion of green policies. Since 2004 he is a representative of environmental organizations in the Monitoring Committees of Agricultural Sectoral Operational Program and the Rural Development Program, and since 2007 in the Operational Program of Infrastructure and Environment 2007-13.